433mhz Wireless Doorbell Receiver Universal
433mhz Wireless Doorbell Receiver Universal
433mhz Wireless Doorbell Receiver Universal
433mhz Wireless Doorbell Receiver Universal
433mhz Wireless Doorbell Receiver Universal
433mhz Wireless Doorbell Receiver Universal

Universal Wireless Doorbell Receiver


  • Super low power utilization, power saving and dependable use time.
  • 52 polyphonic ringtones.
  • Ding Dong Doorbell, can be coordinated with remote video doorbell.
  • Capability: When the external doorbell rang, the dingdong doorbell inside will ring, illuminate you that somebody is coming outside.
  • For indoor: Remote entryway ringer with high awareness, simple to introduce and utilize, reasonable for indoor and outside use.
  • For home: Portable application, simple to utilize, can be introduced where you need to join a cell phone, like room entryway, etc, reasonable for home security.

Item Includes:

  • 1 x shrewd doorbell




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