Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver
Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver
Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver
Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver
Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver
Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver

Wireless Car Bluetooth 3.5mm AUX Audio Receiver


  • This music beneficiary (without hands) is intended to get music from cell phones or transmitters that include Bluetooth remote innovation.
  • This music recipient can be utilized with practically any sound collector with a sound information jack, including automoblies.
  • Pay attention to music from your advanced cell or MP3 player on your current home or vehicle sound framework.
  • To appreciate vehicle music, call arrangements, the utilization of advanced cells to settle on decisions and pay attention to music through the vehicle sound system.
  • This item is inserted for reverberation retraction receiver.
  • Utilizing just a single button, you can without much of a stretch switch among music and phone.




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