Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Sold Out

Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot/Bed Fittings
Cot Bed Fittings/Fixtures for a Mamas & Papas Franklin Cot Bed.
All parts present and correct.
I bought Franklin Cot Bed Fittings when Fresco Cot Bed Fittings were needed.
Selling to free up space as part of a Spring clean clear out.
Don’t waste time and money trying to replace missing parts.
If you have lost/misplaced the fittings kit since you assembled the cot and now want to convert it to a bed, this is your answer.
To clear out, will sell for €10.



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